How to Install LV-UW03 802.11N Wi-Fi Wireless USB Card Driver.
If you have bought the Wi-Fi device for LV-UW03 802.11N Wireless Wi-Fi USB adapter and looking for a way to download and install then in this video you will find a solution…
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You can read complete process at the link here:
To install this device, friends you need to download its driver from the link given below. Next follow all the steps given in Video or visit the link given above to a complete step by step process.
Brief description how to Install LV-UW03 802.11N Wi-Fi Wireless USB Card is given below:
- Extract downloaded Zip file to folder on your PC.
- Locate for a file IS_Setup_ICS_011916_1.5.39.173.exe.
- Double click on IS_Setup_ICS_011916_1.5.39.173.exe to start the installation process.
- Follow on screen instruction like license agreement, application location folder etc. and choose next on each screen.
- Finally there will be a screen with Finish .. click to complete installation.
- After the final step, your device should work properly.
- Now add Wifi Router address and password to connect to internet.
- Enjoy Surfing! 🙂
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