How to Virtualize Android on Linux Using Android x86 and QEMU

If you’re a Linux user and want to run Android apps on your system, virtualization offers a practical solution. This guide walks you through setting up Android x86 on Linux using QEMU, a lightweight virtualization tool. Unlike other methods that require kernel compilation, this approach is beginner-friendly and doesn’t demand advanced Linux skills.

What You’ll Need:

  1. QEMU: Install QEMU on your system through your Linux distribution’s package manager.
    • For example, on Ubuntu: sudo apt install qemu
  2. Android x86 ISO: Download the ISO file from the Android x86 project website. Choose a version that fits your needs:
    • With Google apps (if you need Play Store and Play Services)
    • Without Google apps (for privacy-conscious users)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Create a Virtual Disk Image

First, create a virtual disk image where Android will be installed. Run the following command in the terminal:

qemu-img create -f qcow2 image.img 32G
  • -f qcow2: Specifies the disk format (QEMU Copy-On-Write v2).
  • image.img: Name of the virtual disk file.
  • 32G: Allocates 32GB of storage.

2. Set Up and Boot the Virtual Machine

Use QEMU to launch the Android x86 ISO and start the installation process:

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-enable-kvm \
-cdrom /path/to/android-x86.iso \
-boot d \
-m 4G \
-drive file=image.img,format=qcow2

Explanation of options:

  • -enable-kvm: Enables hardware acceleration (Kernel-based Virtual Machine).
  • -cdrom: Specifies the Android x86 ISO file.
  • -boot d: Boots from the CD-ROM.
  • -m 4G: Allocates 4GB of memory to the virtual machine.
  • -drive: Links the virtual disk image created earlier.

3. Install Android x86

Once the virtual machine starts, follow these steps to install Android x86:

  1. Select “Installation” from the boot menu.
  2. Create and Format Partitions:
    • Use GPT (optional but recommended).
    • Create a new partition in the free space.
    • Format it to ext4.
  3. Install the Bootloader:
    • Choose to install GRUB (bootloader).
  4. Complete the installation by following the on-screen instructions.

4. Launch the Installed Android System

After installation, close the virtual machine and modify the QEMU command:

  • Remove the -boot d and -cdrom options since you no longer need the ISO.
  • Launch Android from the virtual disk: qemu-system-x86_64 \ -enable-kvm \ -m 4G \ -drive file=image.img,format=qcow2

5. Fix Color Inversion Issues (if applicable)

Sometimes, you may encounter inverted colors in the Android interface. To fix this:

  1. Go to Settings > Accessibility.
  2. Disable Color Inversion.

6. Connect to the Internet

Android x86 includes Virt Wi-Fi, allowing you to connect to the internet directly through the virtual machine:

  1. Go to Settings > Network.
  2. Select Virt Wi-Fi to establish the connection.

7. Optimize Your Experience

  • Resolution: If the display resolution is odd, adjust it by modifying QEMU’s parameters. This step requires more advanced configuration and isn’t necessary for basic use.
  • Root Access: Android x86 comes rooted. Open a terminal emulator within Android and switch to the root user (su) to perform administrative tasks.

When to Use Virtualized Android on Linux

Virtualizing Android can be useful for:

  • Running Android apps that aren’t available on Linux.
  • Testing Android apps as a developer.
  • Experimenting with Android in a secure environment.


Virtualizing Android on Linux using QEMU and Android x86 is a straightforward process. By following this guide, you can enjoy a full-fledged Android experience on your desktop. Whether you’re a developer or just exploring, this setup provides a flexible way to interact with Android apps.


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