How to Install Android x86 on VirtualBox: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re looking to run Android x86 on your computer using VirtualBox, this guide will walk you through the entire process in detail. Let’s dive into the steps to set it up and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Step 1: Install VirtualBox

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the official VirtualBox website.
  2. Download and install VirtualBox for your operating system if you haven’t already.
  3. Once installed, launch VirtualBox.

Step 2: Download the Android x86 ISO File

  1. Open a new browser tab and search for “Android x86.”
  2. Go to the official Android x86 website and download the ISO file.
  3. Choose the correct ISO file based on your system architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). For example, if your system is 64-bit, download the 64-bit ISO file.
  4. After downloading, close your web browser.

Step 3: Create a New Virtual Machine

  1. Open VirtualBox and click on the New button to create a virtual machine.
  2. Assign a name to your virtual machine, such as “Android.”
  3. Under Type, select Linux, and for Version, choose Other Linux (64-bit).
  4. Allocate memory to the virtual machine. If you have 8 GB of RAM, assign 4 GB (half). For systems with less RAM, 2 GB is sufficient.
  5. Set the storage size for the virtual machine. If you plan to install many apps, allocate more than 10 GB. For testing purposes, 8–10 GB is enough.

Step 4: Configure Virtual Machine Settings

  1. Select your newly created virtual machine and click on Settings.
  2. Under the System tab, go to the Processor section. Adjust the processor slider to the maximum within the green zone.
  3. Navigate to the Display tab and allocate the maximum available video memory. Enable the 3D Acceleration option.
  4. Leave other settings as default for now.

Step 5: Start the Virtual Machine and Load the ISO File

  1. Select the Android virtual machine and click Start.
  2. When prompted, click the yellow folder icon to select your Android ISO file.
  3. Add the ISO file you downloaded earlier by clicking the Add button at the top.
  4. Once added, select it and proceed.

Step 6: Install Android x86 on the Virtual Machine

  1. When the installation menu appears, go to the Advanced Options and choose Auto Installation to the Hard Disk.
  2. If the installation runs without a black screen, you can proceed normally.

Step 7: Troubleshoot the Black Screen Issue

If you encounter a black screen while booting Android, follow these steps:

  1. Close the virtual machine.
  2. Go back to VirtualBox, select your Android virtual machine, and click Settings.
  3. Navigate to the Storage tab and remove the Android ISO storage.
  4. Restart the virtual machine.

Step 8: Modify Boot Parameters

  1. When the virtual machine boots and displays the GRUB menu, select the first option and press E to edit.
  2. Locate the line with the word “quiet.” Replace it with: nomodeset xforcevesa
  3. Press Enter and then B to boot.
  4. You should now see the Android system booting up without a black screen.

Step 9: Make Boot Parameter Changes Permanent

  1. Once on the Android home screen, press Alt + F1 to open the console.
  2. Go to the kernel line of the first option and press I to enter insert mode.
  3. Replace “quiet” with: nomodeset xforcevesa You can also set the timeout to 0 to skip the boot menu.
  4. Press Escape to exit insert mode, then type: :wq This saves and exits the changes.
  5. Type reboot to restart your virtual machine.

Step 10: Enable Android Debug Bridge (ADB)

  1. Once the Android virtual machine boots without a black screen, go to Settings within the Android x86 system.
  2. Enable the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) option to ensure compatibility with more apps.

Final Thoughts

You’ve successfully installed Android x86 on VirtualBox! This setup allows you to explore Android on your PC for testing, app development, or general use.


Android x86 installation, VirtualBox Android, install Android ISO VirtualBox, run Android on PC, Android x86 tutorial, VirtualBox setup


#Androidx86 #VirtualBox #AndroidOnPC #TechTutorials #VirtualMachineSetup

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Rakesh Bhardwaj

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