How to Add a Background Color in Adobe InDesign: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adding a background color to your design in Adobe InDesign is a simple yet effective way to enhance your layout. Whether you’re creating a single-page document or a multi-page spread, InDesign offers tools to customize your background effortlessly. This guide will walk you through each step to create and manage background colors in your documents.

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Step 1: Create a New Document

  1. Open Adobe InDesign.
  2. Go to File > New > Document or press the shortcut Ctrl + N (Windows) / Cmd + N (Mac).
  3. Specify the width and height for your document.
  4. Click Create to open a blank document.

Step 2: Create the Background

To add a background color:

  1. Select the Rectangle Tool:
    • Locate the Rectangle Tool in the tools panel or press the shortcut M.
  2. Draw the Background Box:
    • Click and drag from the top-left corner of your page to the bottom-right corner, covering the entire page.
  3. Choose a Color:
    • With the rectangle still selected, double-click the Fill Color box in the tools panel.
    • In the Color Picker window, adjust the hue, saturation, and brightness to select your desired color.
    • Click OK to apply the color.

Step 3: Lock the Background

To prevent accidental edits or deletions:

  1. Right-click on the rectangle and select Lock, or press Ctrl + L (Windows) / Cmd + L (Mac).
  2. The background layer is now locked, ensuring it remains intact while you work on other design elements.

Step 4: Add Text Over the Background

  1. Select the Type Tool:
    • Choose the Type Tool (T) from the tools panel.
  2. Create a Text Frame:
    • Click and drag to create a text box over the background.
  3. Insert Text:
    • Add placeholder text or type your content.
  4. Customize Text Color:
    • Highlight the text and change the color to ensure it contrasts with the background (e.g., white text on a dark background).

Step 5: Apply Background Color to Multiple Pages

Option 1: Manually Copy the Background

  1. Select the background rectangle on the first page.
  2. Press Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste it onto additional pages.
  3. Position the rectangle correctly on each page.

Option 2: Use Master Pages for Consistency

  1. Copy the Background:
    • Select the rectangle and press Ctrl + X to cut it.
  2. Open Master Pages:
    • Go to the Pages Panel and double-click the master page.
  3. Paste the Background:
    • Press Ctrl + V to paste the rectangle onto the master page.
  4. Apply Master Pages:
    • Assign the master page to all desired pages.
    • Any changes to the master page background will automatically reflect across all linked pages.

Step 6: Edit or Remove the Background

To make changes:

  1. Unlock the background by pressing Ctrl + Alt + L (Windows) / Cmd + Option + L (Mac).
  2. Select the rectangle and adjust the color, size, or delete it as needed.

For master page backgrounds:

  1. Navigate back to the master page in the Pages Panel.
  2. Edit the rectangle directly.
  3. Changes will update automatically on all associated pages.


Adding a background color in Adobe InDesign is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your design. Whether you’re working on a single-page flyer or a multi-page booklet, leveraging tools like the Rectangle Tool and Master Pages ensures consistency and flexibility.

#AdobeInDesign #InDesignTips #GraphicDesign #BackgroundColor #DesignTools #CreativeDesign

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Rakesh Bhardwaj

A professional Graphic Design, working in a multi-national company from past six years.

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