Coredraw Id Card Maker Macro with Barcode and Photograph

CorelDraw is one of the best software to create and manage School Id card using data merge command. Using data merge command any one can create bulk of ID cards in just few clicks. But still being best, it lack some feature. For me, I face problems with adding images or bardcode to the ID cards using data merge. As CorelDraw does not support adding barcode or image data using print merge command. So to solve this problem Coredraw Id Card Maker Macro comes into play.

CoreDraw Id Card Maker Macro is an automation programme which enables a user to add required data from a txt file and then process that data to create ID cards.

Below given its user interface … have a look … how attractive it is. Isn’t?

School Id Card Maker - Tools Explanation
School Id Card Maker – Tools Explanation
How to use ID card Maker Macro for CorelDraw.
  1. Add data file in txt format.
  2. Here it will show all the data fields exists in the file.
  3. Move image and bar code data fields in respective position.
  4. Same steps as above.
  5. Generate remaining data fields except image fields using this button.
  6. If you need to add image or barcode then tick check on Is image or barcode needed and then select the position from the card or document where you need to place image and then click on get image xy position and size.
  7. Same steps as above
  8. After that you have positioned everything in place just click on generate cards..

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Here is a video in Hindi which explains everything how you can create these cards using ID Card Maker Macro.

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Rakesh Bhardwaj

A professional Graphic Design, working in a multi-national company from past six years.

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